Wednesday, April 13, 2016

"On Dunpster Diving"

Sydney Rose
Mrs. Parkinson
English IIIB
13 April 2016
     The author reduces the stigma of poverty throughout the article. Towards the end the author says, "by far the best way to go through a Dumpster is to lower yourself into it" (Eighner 723).  To most people, the thought of lowering yourself into a dumpster is repulsive. To Eighner, it's the best way, as he explains further on in the paragraph when he says, "most of the good stuff tends to settle at the bottom because it is usually weightier than the rubbish" (Eighner 723).
     The author also knocks on those who don't dumpster dive. He says. "perhaps everyone who has a kitchen and a regular supply of groceries, has, at one time or another, made a sandwich and eaten half of it before discovering mold on the bread or got a mouthful of milk before realizing the milk had turned. Nothing of the sort is likely to happen to a Dumpster diver because he is constantly reminded that most food is discarded for a reason" (Eighner 714).  He is explaining that dumpster diving has its benefits, which not all people realize.

     While everyone else is throwing away perfectly good food and getting sick over spoiled food, Eighner is eating happily.