Saturday, April 5, 2014

Divergent Book Compared to the Movie

     A few weeks ago, the movie for Divergent came out.  I went to see the premier of the movie since I loooovveed the books.  I've gotta say, the movie is closely tied in with the book, which isn't a surprise.

     There are a few differences, though.  Some are major, some aren't.  For example, they cut Tris's test short.  In the book, her test includes the room of mirrors, the dog chasing the little girl, and her not choosing anything out of the choices in front of her.  This is all included in the movie.  But in the book, her test then goes on to Tris on the bus and lying to the man who asked if she knew the person he was showing her a picture of.  This part of her test did not make the movie.  I feel that this was a significant part that was cut, since it shows that she wouldn't fit into the Candor faction.

     Another thing that was cut from the movie was when Peter stabbed Edward's eye during the night.  I'm not saying I'm upset this was cut, since that would've been really gross to see on a big screen.

     Also, in the books Christina and Will ended up dating.  Then, when Tris kills Will (SPOILER ALERT), Christina doesn't forgive Tris for a long time.  In the movie, Christina and Will's relationship isn't a part of it.  That's going to make it interesting to watch the second movie since Christina and Will weren't as close, Christina probably isn't going to be as upset when she finds out Tris killed him.  This will effect a huge part of the story, because for half of Insurgent, Christina is mad at Tris.

     These are the major differences that I noticed while watching the movie.  Although it seems like they are a lot different, they aren't.  Here is a scene from the movie that is extremely close to the way the scene happens in the book.  This clip is a love scene between Tobias and Tris, so if you don't like that stuff, sorry.


  1. I watched the movie and I loved it. Thanks for pointing these differences out because I didn't notice some of these and I agree that these were important.

  2. I haven't read the book or seen the movie. Both sound really interesting though. I'm guessing you like the book better than the movie?
