Sunday, May 18, 2014

How does R. J. Palacio Write?

The book, Wonder switches characters during every part.  The first part was written in August's point of view, the second in his sister, Via's, the third in his friend Summer's, and so on and so on until part eight where it goes back to August.  I think this is very interesting because you get to see how everyone around August feels about his situation and how it affects them.

R. J. Palacio also writes according to how that person would talk, which is interesting.  For example, when the book is written in August's point of view, there are a lot of grammatical errors such as, "I think she's too busy taking care of me and Via" where instead it should be Via and me (Palacio 4).  I think Palacio chose to write this way because August is a 5th grader, and you wouldn't expect a 5th grader to have perfect grammar.

Via's section is free of grammatical errors.  Via is a freshman in high school so she's expected to know more grammatical conventions and is less likely to have those errors.

I think it is really interesting how based on the character's age, she writes differently.  It makes you feel like the characters are real and the whole book as a whole is more realistic.  I think her writing was really well done.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how you noticed that the chapters are written in their voice and not just telling the other person's view in the authors voice. I really enjoy books that show multiple views so I might have to read this!
