Sunday, May 4, 2014

Auggie Hates School

"'You have to go back to school.  Everyone hates school sometimes.  I hate school sometimes.  I hate my friends sometimes.  That's just life, Auggie.  You want to be treated normally, right?  This is normal!  We all have to go to school sometimes despite the fact that we have bad days, okay?'  'Do people go out of their way to avoid touching you, Via?' he answered, which left me momentarily without an answer.  'Yeah, right.  That's what I thought.  So don't compare your bad days at school to mine, okay?'  'Okay, that's fair,' I said.  'But it's not a contest about whose days suck the most, Auggie.  The point is that we all have to put up with the bad days"  (Palacio 114).
While reading Wonder, I came across this quote and it really made me stop and think about it.  I never realized how true it was, until I read this.   We all have bad days.  Its inevitable.  We all have those days where nothing seems to go our way.  Maybe something embarrassing happened.  Maybe your friend is mad at you.  Whatever it is, we all have those days where we just want to hide from the world.  What gets us through them is knowing that tomorrow is another day with a clean slate.

Auggie takes his sister's advice and goes back to school.  He ignores the kids that were talking bad about him, and gets through it.  Now, he's happy in school.

1 comment:

  1. Great introduction, when you introduced with the quote it really enhanced your post. Also how you make connection between you and the book/ quote. Then you go on to explain how Auggie took the information and went to school.
