Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Blizzard Bag Assignment

In my reading, Hans Hubermann has just taken in a Jew.  This arises some questions about who knows what, and I can now make some more predictions about what will happen in the remainder of the book.  For example, does Mama knows what Hans is doing?  Does Liesel know?  If she does, does she understand how dangerous this is for her and her family?  I can now make predictions, too.  I think that if the family doesn't already know, they will find Hans sneaking food to the Jew.  Liesel will hate Hitler even more for what she is doing to this innocent Jew, and they might get caught, or they might get away with it.

I do not have any questions about Romeo and Juliet.  

1 comment:

  1. wow! From what you said that just makes me walt to read this book, it saunds interreasting and I liked your predictions.
